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The Drawa National Park invites you to participate in our nature workshops.

We have a classroom, a laboratory, and equipment to make our workshops attractive. Computers that run nature related programs, microscopes, binoculars, area available here, as well as educational equipment necessary for water and soil examination. To our lectures we projections of slides and nature films about our Park. Additionally, we have an exposition entitled “Animals and Soils of the DNP” in our classroom.
Nature guides and name-lists useful while taking an excursion in the Park are available from our library.

We recommend our “Education” programme combined with a trip to the Drawa National Park.

  • We can take a group of 25 persons at a time
  • Estimated time of a workshop along with journey to the Park: 5 hours
  • After the workshop we can go to one of our camping areas, make a bonfire, and share the day’s experiences
  • Stationary workshops are free of charge, however the park guide and a camp bonfire will require a fee listed in the tourist pricelist

    If interested, please contact the DNP administration at:

    Dyrekcja DPN,
    ul. Leśników 2,
    73-220 Drawno
    Tel. +48 95 768 20 51
    e-mail: [email protected]
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  • Wydra, fot. C. Korkosz
  • Czapla siwa, fot. Marcin Bielatko
  • Rzeka Drawa- Jesień, fot. Marcin Bielatko
  • Stara Węgornia, fot. Marcin Bielatko
  • Wydra, fot. Ł. Łukasik
  • fot. Józef Borsuk
  • Rezerwat Radęcin, fot. Marcin Bielatko
  • Drawa, fot. Marcin Bielatko
  • Perkoz dwuczuby, fot. Marcin Bielatko
  • Bielik, fot. Marcin Bielatko


Będziemy informować Cię o nowościach w serwisie oraz ważnych wydarzeniach w Parku.


Drawieński Park Narodowy,
ul. Leśników 2, 73-220 Drawno,

tel.: (095) 768 20 51,

       (095) 768 20 52

fax: (095) 768 25 10

email: [email protected]