About the founding of the DNP
The first scientific surveys of the area for the projected Drawa Park and Wilderness began in 1969. The specialists, fortunate enough to arrive here, were amazed by this area’s beauty, silence, and the wild backwoods. The gathered research enabled the establishment of a reservation area in 1974, called “Drawa River”. This became an inspiration and a motivation to create a place with the rank a national park.
From an interview with the voivode of Szczecin in “Kurier Szczeciński”, 1974: “(…) I have in front of me an obese volume of typescript, richly illustrated with photographs, full of tables, graphs, and maps. This is a detailed monograph and documentation of the fauna and flora of the 547-hectare Drawa Wilderness, compiled by a team of scientists from the Agricultural Academy in Szczecin (with the assistance of a specialist from the Marine School in Szczecin). This territory is unique on the European scale (…).”
In the years 1978-79, the members of the Province Committee of Nature Preservation in Gorzów Wielkopolski, along with the Nature Preservation League, have submitted a request for the creation of the Drawa National Park, based on the reservation areas “Drawa” and “Radęcin”. They were: the assistant professor Lucjan Agapow, Michał Chełkowski, M.S., and Jan Krawiec, M.S.
“The turning point was a scientific conference, “The natural resources of the Gorzów Province”, organized in September of 1982 by the Centre of Research and Consultation of TWWP, the Biology Institute of AWF, and the Province Department of Gorzów. Publication of the conference materials urged for some corrections to the present nature preservation statute, regarding what remained to be done in the existing reservations. Once more the subject of a national park was raised, this time by J. and M. Janowski, suggesting that Lake Ostrowiec, along with the already preserved Drawa and the Radęcin Wilderness, can serve as the foundation for a future park, with a rank and position worthy of a National Park”. (Lucjan Agapow, “Studia i materiały” (Studies and materials), 1983.)
“What makes the Drawno region unique enough to consider it for a projected national park?” “The woods and the waters”, answered professor Mieczysław Jankowski, “and what woods and waters!”. (“Ziemia Gorzowska, 14.06.1985)
The Scientific Committee of that conference decided to file a petition for creating the Drawa National Park.
“During the local meeting of the executive branch of KW PZPR in Gorzów Wielkopolski on 16.03.1983, with the appearance of the minister himself, as well as the director of OZLP in Szczecin, a ruling was passed about the creation of a national park in an adequate area” (from a letter by the Province Department to the Minister of Forestry and Wood Economy)
The resolution of the National Nature Preservation Committee from 30.10.1984 has put the Drawa National Park on a list of prospect national parks. This what met with a positive opinion by the Nature Preservation Department of the Forestry and Wood Economy Ministry.
The scientific findings, as well as the gathering of research for scientific documentation updates of the future national park were still in progress. Involved in this project were scientists from the following institutions:
- The Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań
- The Agricultural Academy in Szczecin
- The Institute of Research and Scientific Expertise in Gorzów Wielkopolski
- The Gorzów Wielkopolski branch of the Physical Education Academy (AWF)
- Persons from other institutions
The following research teams were called into action:
- To research and evaluate the land and river vegetation
- To research the physiography
- To research the lake flora
- To evaluate the area fauna
- To research the purity of waters
- To elaborate the functions and principles of tourist economy
- To elaborate the didactic functions
- The principles of forest and hunting economy
- The principles of fishing economy
- To catalogue and protect the salmon spawning-grounds
The supervision and coordination of these specialist teams were entrusted to Lucjan Agapow. All compiled documentation was handed to the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Economy, and Forestry in 1985, and thus was ended the basic and most important step in the process of creating the Park.
An example of the involvement of local youth, teachers, inhabitants, and activists was organizing “The young activist council meeting for the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Nature Preservation League (LOP)” on 28-29.05.1989 in Drawno. It was described by Barnadeta Staszczyk, the coach of a local LOP circle, who was actively involved with nature preservation:
“It was organized already for a third time, on the area of a planned national park. The goal of this meeting was to acquaint its members with the particularities of this area’s fauna and flora. Representatives of the provincial LOP and SOP authority, and the leader of WKOP Lucjan Agapow took part in this meeting. Also came the delegations of provincial LOP boards and youth from the provinces of Piła, Poznań, Zielona Góra, the mayor of Drawno, the Drawno school officials, and the administrators of school-based LOP chapters. The participants agreed upon the following ruling regarding the Drawa area: …we see an urgent need to protect this territory by establishing a national park here”.
(B. Staszczyk “Biologia w szkole” (Biology in school), 1989.)
The Drawa National Park came into existence thanks to the hard work of scientists, volunteers, organizations, and administration who were convinced of the expediency to protect this beautiful area by Drawa. Today, all activity on this territory makes its way towards proving the magnificence of nature to the present and future generations.