Green plants
924 species of vascular plants have been discovered to grow in the Drawa National Park. 55 of them are under species protection. Among the most botanically distinctive is most of all the rare in Poland northern leatherleaf whose station here, one of 9 in Poland, is furthest to the southwest in Europe, along with the fen orchid and species rare in this region, such as: European ginger, common honeysuckle, Turk’s cap lily, and twig rush. The botanists are interested in, for example, orchids (marsh, lesser-butterfly, helleborine: mud, red, and flat-leaved, and twayblade). Four kinds of clubmoss are present here: stiff, stag’s horn, running, and fir. Especially valuable is the disappearing in other regions of Poland peatbog flora, with mud cranberry, cottonsedge, white beaksedge, sundew, water arum, the very rare leatherleaf, peat moss, burning moss, mud violet, and peat violet.
In the forests we will find anemone, buttercup, forest violets, weasel-snout, liverwort, sweet wood-ruff, mountain mellick, lungwort, and ferns (common, eagle, wood, and others). Typical for the forests are also: lily-of-the-valley, little lily-of-the-valley, and Solomon’s seal. The tree trunks are overgrown with epiphytic mosses and lichen. The undergrowth in acidic beech forests is rich in typical for this ecosystem mosses. In the undergrowth of wet meadows grows impatiens noli-tangere. The forest edges are full of colourful patches of edge-type growth, such as hillside pea, wood cow-weed, the rare in Drawa Wilderness yellow foxglove, and the common sweet violet. Forest clearings are home to bushgrass, evening primrose, raspberry, and blackberry. Completely different is the flora of pinewoods, with the presence of Prince’s pine, clubmoss, huckleberry, deschampsia grass, wood moss, heather, and reindeer lichen as almost all species to be seen there.
The sides of the roads are rich in sandy flowers such as wild thyme, heather, sheep’s-bit, tiger lily, field clover, astragalus, sand pink, maiden pink, and others. Very floristically interesting are also the mid-forest meadows with their sedge, buttercup, superb pink, adder’s-tongue, and the spring-symbolizing primula.
The water flora of the Draw national Park is interesting. In lakes we can find pond-weed, hornwort, stonewort, water thyme, water lily, and others. Typical to river currents are crawfoot and the red Hildenbrandtia seaweed. The river banks are overgrown with reeds and sedge, but you can also please your eye with buttercups, iris, and forget-me-nots. The peatbogs are usually overgrown with dense and vast manna, twig, sedge, and reed rushes.
Specific is the flora of former cemeteries and remain of old settlements. For them typical are: periwinkle, spring snowflake, columbine, and common ivy. Among the Park’s plants some are attractive and some unassuming, some medicinal, and some poisonous. Some of them have been here from the beginning of vegetation in this area, and some were brought in by humans. They all contribute to the richness of this Park